The point is that you should definitely get off the couch and get moving because walking at any pace for even short distances will actually help you feel more energized! If you’re not a regular walker, why not start with a leisurely stroll around your block? Or maybe stroll all the way stroll around one level of your local mall? Your not too old, your not too out of shape, you do have the time, and walking on a regular basis will help to regulate your appetite.
Keep it simple at first. Don‘t be concerned with how long it takes, just enjoy the idea that you’ve made a start! If you survive, (and I know you will!) why not try it again? If you can commit to taking a short walk every other day for a week, I promise you’ll feel more energized and ready to walk even further and more often! Down the road you may wish to look into getting a pedometer, some comfortable sneakers and a notebook to journal how great walking makes you feel. In the mean time, just start! Get walking!
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