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As this will be my last blog, I will first say that blogging for The Poughkeepsie Journal has been a complete joy. It was a lot of fun, and I highly recommend it.
If you are interested in learning more about walking for fitness be sure to check out at: It’s a super informative website for both the novice and seasoned walker.
Ready to make a lifestyle change by eating better every day? Just spend a little time perusing Eating at: This is a nifty website for learning more about how easy it is to eat better while eating well.
I hope this blog has been fun, informative and helpful to you. I also hope you’ve found at least a few ideas that have made a positive impact on your life. Many thanks to the Poughkeepsie Journal for affording me the opportunity to share a few thoughts.
Warming up and stretching both before and after your walk is the only way to go. It's an important step not to be skipped, and it takes just five minutes or so. The goal is to stretch and warmup the same muscles that you'll use during your walk. An easy way to warm up is to initially walk at a much slower pace for the first 5 minutes of the walk. Next stop and take five minutes to stretch your shoulders, back, neck, hips, chest, thighs, hamstrings and calves. After you’ve finished your walk, cool down by again walking for 5 minutes at a much slower pace. Follow up the completion of your walk with the same simple stretches you started the walk with, and your done! Regular gentle stretching will afford you a lot more overall flexibility, and it will help in allowing full range of motion. Be sure to maintain each stretch for a count of 30 seconds in order to get the full benefit. If you've not been warming up and cooling down, try it today!
Here’s an idea that may work for you. At the office, skip the elevator and take the stairs. Block out some time during lunch to walk up and down a few flights each day. Each week add another flight to your new creative walking routine. You'll be well on your way towards getting in more excercise on a regular basis. Regular exercise and eating well can take your mind off of worrying about your weight, give you a mental boost, and you’ll look better because you’ll feel better. Studies show that you’ll even sleep better. Most of us weren’t raised to understand that exercise should be a regular part of everyday life. We get to change our minds and change our lifestyle by breaking old habits and replacing them with beneficial new ones.Walking is an ideal form of regular exercise because you can do it virtually anywhere, anytime and without any special equipment. Regardless of how busy your schedule is, and regardless of how many directions you’re being pulled in, keep working at finding time for some form of regular fitness activity. So skip the elevator at work and get walking!
Have you tried the 80/20 concept? It simply means that if you can strive to eat better and wisely 80% of the time, then you are consistently eating well. That consistency is how you will continue to build on developing normal eating habits for yourself as well as those you prepare meals for. The 20% of the time you don't eat well will not outweigh the 80% of the time that you do!
Just around the corner is the time when many of us will start to prepare and enjoy traditional snacks, desserts and meals to celebrate halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas and then the New Year. As of today and right into 2008, all of these events offer perfect times to try applying the 80/20 concept. Of course, even with the 80/20 concept, it's always ideal to have nothing to eat after 7pm. And so it goes, walking on a regular basis along with always choosing food wisely will make a huge difference as time goes by. Take it day by day and continue to strive.
Did you know that a great way to avoid the junk food is to eat six times a day? Breakfast, lunch and dinner, then a mini-meal after each. If you do six a day, you’re more likely to eat better, eat less and free yourself of feeling ever feeling famished. Another tip? Try to make it a habit to stop eating after 7pm. You may not make it every night, but keep trying. Sip on herbal and/or sugar-free beverages to get you through the evening. Better yet, go for a walk or to the gym. Maybe sign up for an adult team sport that meets in the evenings.If you absolutely have to have something, think vegetable salad with just a touch of dressing or a fruit salad, or a small portion of cheese on whole wheat bread, or a fruit smoothie. I'm sure you already know that eating late at night is the perfect way to pack on the pounds, right? It's counterproductive to say the least. So, aim for six wholeseome meals each day, and of course, keep walking.
Ready to simultaneously get fit and lift your spirits? I’ve got a sure fire way to do so, and it will especially benefit your butt, thighs, hips, calves. Just bundle up and head outside! What a perfect day to be outside. The leaves are changing, the winds is blowing and the sun is shining! Taking the first step outside your door will be the most difficult part. The President's Council on Physical Fitness still recommends that adults get in 10,000 steps daily, but since this is not a realistic goal for many, it may be best for you to start with a goal of distance, not steps. For example to your child’s school, the library etc… and back.Challenge yourself to walk at least 30 minutes four times a week. It’s a realistic goal for most, and if you can grab a buddy to join you, you‘ll be more likely to stay committed to sticking with it. Walking is an ideal non-impact way to burn fat, get a cardiovascular work out, and trim and tone the lower body muscles. I guarantee that regular walking along with eating wisely will lead to feeling more alert, lighter and better over all. Start your walking program today, and get hooked!
Did you skip breakfast this morning? Today, there are lots of whole grain cereals to choose from, and if you can find one with around 9 grams of sugar per serving, you'll be on the right track. Just top your cereal bowl off with fresh fruit you'll have a wholesome breakfast that takes just minutes to prepare and enjoy.- When the weather gets cooler (eventually, I'm sure...) I like to have oatmeal most every morning. Toss in a few raisins, apple slices, banana slices and cinnamon along with a splash of milk, you'll be good to go. - About milk, if you're a whole milk drinker, see if 2% milk will do. For many 2% works for cereal, and only need the richness of whole milk for various hot beverages. Try some 2%, and I doubt you'll miss the whole. - Frozen blueberries, strawberries, peaches and other fruits can be purchased from your local market, so be sure to add them to your shopping list and to your breakfast. Super quick breakfast? Try milk, banana, berries and/or peaches in a blender equals a wholesome breakfast that you can take with you when you're in a hurry! Occasionally, French toast, bacon, eggs and the like is a fun way to indulge a little, but for the most part breakfast is best when it's light and wholesome. If you push away from the breakfast table feeling like you just had a Thanksgiving meal, you may want to think about some lighter breakfast choices.I like flavor as much as the next person, but I'm also always experimenting with foods that offer natural flavor without too many additives. IYes, it takes a while for the taste buds to adjust, but they will adjust, so why not start eating better right now? These are steps in the right direction towards getting fit and eating better!
Ayurveda is an ancient philosophy of eating wisely that originated in India over 5,000 years ago. The definition of Ayurveda can be lengthy, and its theories regarding maintaining a balance between fitness and nutrition are unique and can seem complex.However, my interpretation of Ayurveda is simply this: If you are willing to change your lifestyle by eating wisely (eating wholesome, whole foods) and doing a from of exercise on a regular basis, then you will naturally maintain a normal weight! There will never be a reason to diet, use diet pills, eat diet foods or to become consumed with always counting calories, fat grams or carbohydrates.How does one change their lifestyle when it comes to food consumption? Along with regular exercise (I think walking is an excellent choice!) simply start consuming more and more unprocessed, whole foods along with natural herbs, spices, teas and roots. Eventually you'll be rid of cravings for salt, sugar and many processed, fat based foods.With practice and a little knowledge, you'll soon learn to select foods that are wholesome and beneficial. Avoid getting caught up in the abundance of misinformation regarding food which is perpetuated by advertising and the media. Just keep eating well, and get moving!
You’ve stuck with walking for fitness through the hottest days of summer, but now how do you make it through the coldest days of the approaching season? Ask any one who is fit and they’ll tell you one thing for sure. Getting and staying fit takes commitment, dedication and creative perseverance. Don’t care to be out of doors with the fast approaching cold days and nights? Don’t let the change of season distract you from the progress you’ve made. If you know you’re unlikely to keep up with your outdoor walking, it may be time to consider doing your walking at a local gym or public fitness facility! From the very simple to the quite complex, this is where you may be pleasantly pleased to find dozens of treadmills, elliptical machines, stair steppers and mega-machines that will give you a terrific walking workout - and more! As a member you get to breeze into a perfectly air conditioned environment where you can choose to get your walking in via a good old-fashioned track, or various state of the art cutting edge exercise machines.A Trainer can brief you on all you need to know about all exercise equipment that simulates walking. Be sure to have a Trainer or staff member not only recommend but also show you how to use the equipment. This orientation is usually complementary. Many fitness professionals will suggest that request instruction the first 3 - 4 times you attend the gym. The information may start to sound monotonous, but you’ll probably pick up something each time that you didn’t catch the time before. It’s important to thoroughly know how to operate any equipment you’ll be using. If I had a penny for every time I’ve seen someone misusing exercise equipment...So, why not shop around for a fitness facility that may be right for you? Look into “deals” where the entire family may attend and/or where you can pay month to month. Investing in a gym/health club membership is a strategic way to stay committed to changing your lifestyle into one that involves being active and eating well!
Here’s a few tips that may help you stay on track when striving to eat well while eating out. First, everyone knows about visualizing an imaginary line down the middle of your dish once your pasta entrée arrives, right? Often a pasta entrée is actually as many as four servings, so pay attention to how much you mangia!Ask for water as soon as your server shows up. Aim to drink the whole glass (or two if the glass is small) before your meal arrives. You’ll eat less and you’ll have a nice doggie bag lunch for the next day. Next?
Lighten up on that bread basket! Place just two slices/pieces on your bread plate, and practice a little self restraint. Sip on that water and let the others at the table enjoy the rest of the bread. Once every crumb has been consumed, do your table a favor and don’t ask for a refill. You can't miss if you always start with a nice simple side salad. Choose a dresssing wisely, and have it on the side. The water a salad will help to fill you up, and you’ll consume less of your entrée. With the cooler weather around the bend, I prefer soups (non-creamy) they also do the trick.Appetizers? If you must, and why not try to share it with at least one other person? For the main dish fish is always at the top of my recommendation list. Poultry comes in second and lean beef third. In a perfect world grilling is the way to go, but hey, if you can act on the bread, water and salad tips, why not loosen the reigns as to how the entrée is prepared?After all, dinning out means enjoying the full restaurant experience, a big part of which is enjoying the food pretty much the way the chef entended it to be enjoyed. Even when you eat out it's all about modifying your lifestyle, not getting caught up in calorie counting. So, eat out, eat wisely, eat in Dutchess County and eat plenty of wholesome foods!