Monday, October 15, 2007

- Six Meals Daily?

Did you know that a great way to avoid the junk food is to eat six times a day? Breakfast, lunch and dinner, then a mini-meal after each. If you do six a day, you’re more likely to eat better, eat less and free yourself of feeling ever feeling famished. Another tip? Try to make it a habit to stop eating after 7pm. You may not make it every night, but keep trying. Sip on herbal and/or sugar-free beverages to get you through the evening. Better yet, go for a walk or to the gym. Maybe sign up for an adult team sport that meets in the evenings.

If you absolutely have to have something, think vegetable salad with just a touch of dressing or a fruit salad, or a small portion of cheese on whole wheat bread, or a fruit smoothie. I'm sure you already know that eating late at night is the perfect way to pack on the pounds, right? It's counterproductive to say the least. So, aim for six wholeseome meals each day, and of course, keep walking.

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