Friday, October 5, 2007

- Monthly Ayurveda 101 - Review

Ayurveda is an ancient philosophy of eating wisely that originated in India over 5,000 years ago. The definition of Ayurveda can be lengthy, and its theories regarding maintaining a balance between fitness and nutrition are unique and can seem complex.

However, my interpretation of Ayurveda is simply this: If you are willing to change your lifestyle by eating wisely (eating wholesome, whole foods) and doing a from of exercise on a regular basis, then you will naturally maintain a normal weight! There will never be a reason to diet, use diet pills, eat diet foods or to become consumed with always counting calories, fat grams or carbohydrates.

How does one change their lifestyle when it comes to food consumption? Along with regular exercise (I think walking is an excellent choice!) simply start consuming more and more unprocessed, whole foods along with natural herbs, spices, teas and roots. Eventually you'll be rid of cravings for salt, sugar and many processed, fat based foods.

With practice and a little knowledge, you'll soon learn to select foods that are wholesome and beneficial. Avoid getting caught up in the abundance of misinformation regarding food which is perpetuated by advertising and the media. Just keep eating well, and get moving!

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