Friday, June 29, 2007

- Don't Skip Walking Correctly or Breakfast!

Ayurveda nutrition tip of the day: You don’t have to completely skip eating the “junk foods” that you enjoy so much! Moderation is the key. Cut back on the amount of and frequent you eat your “junk foods“. Be patient with yourself and take baby steps. As the months go by your craving for “junk food” will lessen. Find "better" foods that can work as repalcements for your "junk foods". For example, rather than having four slices of pork bacon, have just two along with two slices of turkey bacon. Slowly wean yourself off the pork bacon by having less of it, and more turkey bacon each time. You'll be saying goodbye to pork bacon forever soon enough. If you try this, be sure to let me know how it goes.

On Wednesday some of the members of the walking group and myself headed out to walk despite the forecast for thunderstorms. We had a very nice time, and made it back to our cars well before the rain started. We discussed so many things I’ll try to recall a few: married life, first grade, desirable school districts when selling a house, local parks, gardening, what to wear, eat and do on a cruise, good sneakers for walking, and as the sky darkened and the thunder roared we spoke about how we should pick up our step in order not to get poured on! When you go for your walks try to step gently and smoothly. Don’t bounce your body or lock your knees. Step out onto your heel and roll your foot forward an onto your toes. Warm up for the walk by walking slowly at first for 10 minutes. Then, pick up the speed for the main walk. About 10 minutes to ending your walk, bring your pace back down to your warm up pace It’s truly refreshing and the regular walkers are seeing and feeing good results! If you’ve not already, I do hope you’ll consider joining us sometime. Get walking!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work.