Tuesday, June 19, 2007

- Happy Birthday!

Ayurveda tip of the day: Try eating your main/heaviest meal of the day in the afternoon. Have a light dinner and after a month you'll see your weight drop a bit. Along with this, be sure to have a protein mini-meal between 3pm - 4pm. to preempt the possible cravings for coffee, tea or sweets that tend to come around this time of day. If you give it a try, let me know how it goes!

Well, my son turns two tomorrow. Here's photo of him having some fun with Dad. My husband and I were just thrilled when our son learned to fly. Thankfully, he comes back down to the earth when we call him. Tomorrow is also Nana and Poppie’s wedding anniversary. Nana and Poppie live in Virginia, and we’ve come to visit them for a few days. I did not walk yesterday or today because it is ridiculously hot here in Virginia. I have, however, managed to do a little running. Within minutes of our arrival, I ran from our air conditioned car to their air conditioned house. A few hours later, I ran from their air conditioned house back to our air conditioned car, drove to the air-conditioned super market, ran in, ran back to our air conditioned car, got back to their house and ran in. I stayed in the air conditioned house for the rest of the day. Does all that running count as a form of working out? About my flying son. Where has the time gone? This child has gotten so much taller the past two years… while his mama's tush has gotten so much broader.

I think back to the fit me of 2002. I was single, had a nice ride, a dream job, an awesome apartment in Westchester... Then everything changed. I met a great guy who happened to live in Poughkeepsie and my days of being single and ready to mingle ended. I stepped into the married with child word and it's been wonderful. Last Christmas I became rededicated to getting fit and staying fit. I wanted to see if others were interested in taking the journey with me, so enter The Poughkeepsie Area Walking Group! Since April I’ve been good about walking o a regular basis. I’ve not walked so far during my two days in Virginia. We’re going out to dinner to celebrate the birthday and anniversary, so maybe we can park the car far from the restaurant and get in some walking as a family. Hey, every little bit helps! Get walking.

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