Sunday, July 15, 2007

- Moderation & Portion Control

Ayurveda nutrition tip of the day: Eat with the seasons! Relish in the abundance of fresh berries and watermelon in the summer, succulent squashes in the fall etc… It's how our forefathers ate and it’s how nature intended us to eat. Incorporate seasonal fruits and vegetables as much as possible either in your daily three meals, as well as your daily three mini-meals. See more about three daily mini meals on June 22nd blog. If you decide to try this, I’d love to know how it goes.

I hope you enjoyed your weekend. It's almost over, so make today count! My son and I headed to the park eariler this afternoon hoping to get in a couple of hours of fun before the rain came in. What a ball we had! Lots of little ones there his age. Some we knew, some we met for the first time. Since he's gotten used to most of the equipment at this particular playground, I get to step back a little further allowing him to do his thing. He'll start to climb and he'll say, "Be careful!" to himself over and over. He's heard it from mom and dad thousand of times. The playground was buzzing with so much activitly... kids trekking everywhere!

It got me thinking. Compared to our forefathers most of us live a pretty sedentary lifestyle and do little trekking. Many of us are caught up in the over consumption of starchy carbohydrates, saturated fat, refined sugar, refined flour and chemically altered over-processed foods. I would no more consume many food items the FDA allows to be put on the shelves of markets today than I would consume the sludge out of a gutter in New York City. It’s important to understand the nutrition labels on the food we bring into our homes.

That low-fat ice cream you picked up today probably has more sugar per serving than the regular ice cream. Fat is flavorful, so most low-fat items will have extra sugar (or salt) to make up for the lack of flavor. Do you want to trade off consuming more sugar and salt over more fat? Why not just have the original, more authentic, less processed, less chemically altered food item and exercise a little portion control? Moderation, not deprivation. During the summer I enjoy an ice cream cone almost every day if I can. It’s one scoop after lunch. It hits the spot, and I don’t want more than that amount because I know I can have another tomorrow, the next day and the next. If you have not been exercising moderation and portion control, just what is that one delectable goodie that you can’t seem to get enough of? I’d be interested to know!

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