Tuesday, July 17, 2007

- Potato Chips

What a terrific walk this evening. I had my two-year-old in tow via the stroller, and what a workout it was! He relaxed and enjoyed the views while munching on Cheerios, pretzels, raisins, dried apple and strawberries. Near the end of the walk, the little prince refused to stay in the stroller any longer and got to run the last 10 minutes of the walk. This meant that I had to run along side of him, and he was well fed and full of energy! Having to run brought to recollection how much I do not like to run! I’ll walk, hike, ski and roller blade for hours, but man, I do not like to run!

Well, I’m really starting to see results from all this walking I’ve been doing! My clothes are fitting better, and I’m feeling lighter over all. I’m more motivated than ever to walk as often as possible, and I‘m doing the right thing when it comes to my meals! To loose weight the US Surgeon General recommends being physically active for at least 30 minutes most days of the week. Many popular weight loss programs recommend starting with one day, and then building up to every other day doing moderate physical activity such as walking for an hour. Regardless, to lose weight you must eat less and you must eat well. I say the key is to simply pay attention to the type of food you’re choosing to consume regularly.

The habitual consumption of candy bars, potato chips, cookies etc…will always, in the long run, sabotage your efforts to drop a few pounds regardless of how much you exercise. Can't seem to shake the salty snack monkey off your back? Take heart and keep working at it. In moderations they're fine! In the mean time here's a fun link regarding a few others who are struggling with the monkey: http://www.calorie-count.com/forums/post/28452.html It may inspire you to cut down, or it may inspire you to run out and buy a bag or two... oh well. Get walking!

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