Sunday, July 8, 2007

- Backup Plans for Walking?

Ayurveda tip of the day: According to traditional Ayurveda philosophy there are basically six qualities of food: cold, hot, dry, oily, light and heavy. According to 9th grade science class you’ll remember that there are six distinct tastes of food: sweet, bitter, sour, salty, pungent and astringent. Strive to get all of these tastes and qualities into at least most, if not every meal. Do this, and you’ll find that your interest in poor quality foods will fade until one day it just disappears. Research some authentic Chinese and Japanese recipes for perfect examples of how to incorporate the six qualities and six tastes into your meals by using wholesome foods along with natural herbs and spices.

Do you have a backup plan in case you are not able to get out and do a regular walk? Maybe you’re traveling, maybe it’s just too hot to walk outdoors, maybe it’s supposed to rain for days. Having a backup plan will keep you on track and motivated regardless of being thrown a curve or two. Here are some ideas: Commit to walking in place for 30 minutes while watching television, maybe your favorite news program. You were going to watch television anyway, right? Walk around the mall for 30 minutes. You wanted to do some window shopping anyway, right? If you can go for an hour all the better.I’ve not walked outside for three days, since Dad has been unavailable to baby sit during the time I usually walk. I thought about letting the baby nap in the stroller and walking then, but that would be during the hottest part of these July afternoons. Neither of us would be very comfortable, so I passed. Instead, I popped in some fitness videos while the baby napped. I watched others workout to a funky beat, felt a shot of motivation from their enthusiasm, and before I knew it at least 30 minutes had just flown by!

By the by, I got a fat lip for the first time ever. POW! I just froze and waited for the throbbing to subside. My 2-year-old did it. His enthusiasm to take his “tubby” led him to start jumping up and down. I was sitting on the edge of the tub - and smack! His forehead met my bottom lip in one swift motion. At least I think that's what happended... not sure, see photo. Yes, I was struggling to get his socks off and he managed to knock mine off quite effortlessly! The lip is very black and purple on the inside, and only slightly swollen on the outside. Getting better every minute. Get walking.

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