Wednesday, August 15, 2007

- Computer Tricks

My laptop has been resurrected. It started buzzing and blacking out on occasion back in 2005. I’ve done my best to keep everything updated and so I figured whatever the problem was would pass. It did pass - right into 2007.

It had been sputtering and wheezing significantly for weeks now. I had taken it into the shop twice this summer, and those smarty pants said that couldn’t put their finger on the exact problem - or “problems“. Of course when I started the computer up in front of them, it started up perfectly and quickly. Well, on Sunday night, without warning I heard a crack, snapple and pop. The screen went into DOS mode and then a four paragraph error message appeared - most of which I did not even come close comprehending. Then it just went black. The power indicator was on, but the screen was blank. I had a sinking feeling in my stomach, and simultaneously thought of many, many, ways I would rather drop several hundred dollars than on a new laptop.

Nevertheless, late Monday morning I darted off to the mall and picked up a new laptop should my old one take the final leap into laptop oblivion at an inopportune moment. Monday and Tuesday I spent every free moment pleading with the smarty pants (or is it politically correct to refer to them as geeks?) to further diagnose in person and via telephone. They walked me through various things to try, and somehow after hours of trying it all - something worked. The old gal is up and running. I then spent a good part of this afternoon copying absolutely everything that I have on the computer onto discs. Have you done so? The geeks highly recommend it. I love those geeks. Hopefully, this old laptop has a few years left. To be continued…

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