Because dieters are restricted from many foods they enjoy, they fail to cultivate any good habits or a lifestyle towards eating normally and exercising regularly. Because they experience a lot of deprivation while dieting, they often build up resentment towards anything having to do with wholesome food or regular exercise. In turn they may get into the habit of turning to a crash diet or diet pills in order to fit into a certain outfit for a certain event. Once the event is over, it’s back to the double stuff Oreos.
Knowing how to choose foods that are delicious and wholesome takes time and practice. Like everything else in life, you don’t give up if you make a lot of mistakes while trying to find your way to accomplish a heartfelt goal. When no one is there to pat you on the back for choosing a banana and blueberries for breakfast over a sugar coated double chunk chocolate chip muffin (toasted and buttered!) for breakfast, you go ahead and pat yourself on the back and keep up the good work!
Take one meal at a time, plan your meals ahead whenever possible, and forgive yourself each time you may over indulge in less than wholesome food. You’ll soon maintain the weight you desire without having to skip desserts or other goodies you enjoy. The bonus? As you start to slim down you’ll have a greater appreciation for what you are trying to do for yourself, you’ll feel better about yourself in general, and you’ll start to reach for more wholesome foods more often! By trying to do better today than yesterday you’ll have no need for fad diets and diet pills. There is no quick fix to getting and staying fit. It's all about changing your lifestyle. Get walking!
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