Wednesday, August 29, 2007

- How Popular is Walking?

How popular is walking? Pretty popular... currently. Walking is a classic form of exercise that will probably always have periods of being very “In” and then very “Out“. I read somewhere and some time ago that Emerson and Thoreau were regular and committed walkers. As a committed walker, of course I’d like to think that their walking contributed to the amazing literature they’ve written. Maybe they were left overflowing with inspiration after each long walk. Maybe they would burst into their houses, rush past everyone, dash to their desks, and quickly, madly, write down the very thoughts that are admired and questioned by many today. Okay, maybe not.

Well, if you‘ve been checking out my blog, you already know that all the walking I do does not help with my writing ability! Personally, I find walking to be peaceful and relaxing and yes, I‘d definitely like to keep trim. I know folks who walk for pure pleasure and are not concerned about losing weight or toning up. For them it’s a relaxing and often a spiritual experience. It’s all about the solitude they say. They find a quiet place and they take themselves on a mental journey. How popular is walking currently?! This spring and summer you could not pass a magazine stand without seeing an article feature the rediscovery of the pleasures of walking. I’ve found that everyone who walks does so for many reasons, and yes, to lose weight tends to be reason the number one across the board! Yesteryear, today and in the future folks will always be walking. So, get walking!

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