Have you heard of Mireille Guiliano’s best seller, French Women Don’t Get Fat? Click here:
http://www.frenchwomendontgetfat.com/?cm_mmc=Google-_-R32221-_-masterlink-_-paid%20search&keycode=R32221. I’ve not read the book, but I saw Mireille on quite a few talk shows in 2005. I really liked what she had to say about eating normally and eating well!

Her book was a huge best seller across the globe, and I think it’s because she spoke to the weary masses that are tired of unsuccessful dieting, diet pills, counting carbohydrates, and all of the gimmicks out there that fail to address the real issue. In my opinion the real issue is what is eaten and how much. Ayurveda and Mireille stress eating whole and unprocessed foods as much as possible. This along with portion control and simple regular exercise make for a normal, complete and healthy lifestyle that makes dieting unnecessary.
I’m recalling Mireille’s book because our family headed out to the park this morning, and my two-year-old had the pleasure of romping around with his new buddy who is straight from the South of France. Leni and his mom and dad new to the area, and excited to be a part of this terrific community. Need I say that it’s just too cute hearing a two-year-old speak French?! I’m looking forward to getting to know his slim mom better, and can’t wait to ask her exactly why French women don’t get fat. If you’ve read Mireille’s book, I’d be happy to hear your thoughts about it. So, feel free to email and be sure to get walking!
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