Saturday, August 11, 2007

- What's a Serving Size?

Overeating leads to gaining weight, and exercising even a little portion control helps to avoid overeating. You know those huge plates of paste you’ve been enjoying for years? Well, you’ve probably been consuming about four portions per plate. That’s just too much at one sitting. So, here’s a fun way to at least start understanding what a portion is. Get the kids and scout out a tennis ball, a golf ball, deck of cards, a unused computer mouse and a di. Next, find an easily accessible place in your kitchen to keep these items, in a small box, drawer or basket. Memorize the following or write it on a file card to keep with your new kitchen “toys”:

- A serving of vegetables is about the size of a tennis ball.
- A serving of cheese is about the size of a golf ball.
- A serving of meat is about the size of a deck of cards.
- A serving of rice or potato is about the size of a computer mouse.
- A serving of fat is about the size of a golf ball.

Refer to your “toys” when preparing, plating and eating food. Get the kids, the grandparents and dinner guests involved. It’s fun to see how overly large our portions are with most everything we eat. It’s a challenge to apply portion control, but it’s a good challenge that pays off big at the end of the day. Portion control is a lifestyle change, and if we teach it to the generations to come what a change we‘ll see! It may takes months to implement on a regular basis, but I’d say it’s well worth the effort! Get walking!

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