Monday, August 27, 2007

- New Computer

So, you know how I ended up returning the laptop I purchased the other week because my Compaq came back to life? Well, it sputtered through a few more weeks for me and then early Sunday morning it spit out one final email. The screen went black and each time I’d restart it, I’d see a full page of DOS error messages - but only for a split second, and then the screen would go black again. The error message popped up and then the screen went black so quickly, I wasn’t even able to read any of it!

I stared blankly at the laptop for a few minutes mentally reminiscing over when it had first started showing signs of trouble. I thought about what a pleasure it was each time I had to lug it to the techs. They said it was probably just a matter of time, and they were right…

I tried to turn it off, but it would not go off and instead alternated between buzzing (quite loudly), clicking (as if a tiny tech. was inside of it banging away at the hard drive) and revving like a car. Thankful that I had copied everything on to discs weeks before, I slowly pulled down the screen and heard that oh so familiar click for the last time. I unplugged the power cord and the revving ceased, but the buzzing and clicking did not until I popped out the battery… Six hours later? Enter my new Lappy! Did I mention our new DVD player and two new telephones we had to get last week? They all broke down at once! Oh well, new electronics are always fun, right?

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